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Planning Commission and City of Bellevue has a conflict of interest and why is this allowed?

In an old 2018 article by Joshua McNichols (, developer Hal Ferris wanted to build affordable housing without parking spaces in Bellevue, and said that adding underground parking to affordable living apartments would cost an additional $50,000 average to the cost of a project.

At the time, the article reported that Ferris will not build in Bellevue because he estimated it would cost $250 a month additionally to cover parking fees and rent. How would having no parking, if such affordable housing were built, help tenants? It sounds like a bad idea. An idea that may cause more people to take public transit to cut down car use in Bellevue.

Bellevue has built parking garages to accommodate residents of new buildings for companies and apartment buildings normally have parking for tenants. But all that has come under scrutiny in the Deep Dive's Bellevue has held for community discussions recently.

The Deep Dive has been part of Bellevue's Comprehension Plan with discussions about parking, transportation, and affordable housing that would effect the City's vision over the next twenty years.

Proposals by the City Planning Commission has focused on the types of affordable housing Bellevue might build and where to locate affordable housing. The neighborhoods of Wilburton and Eastgate are two areas Bellevue has been focusing on.

But there's also been a discussion about the need for metered parking on the streets to make way for more bicyclists that would take some driver lanes for cars and allocate them for bicycles.

And the idea that if affordable housing is built, apartment dwellers might have to park on the street if apartments are built without parking.

The public should also be aware that the Planning Commission Vice Chair is Carolynn Ferris. She is married to developer Hal Ferris. Hal Ferris is the governor listed on the Secretary of State business listings of a company called Spectrum Development Solutions

that's found on LinkedIn.

The LinkedIn overview explains what they do. Paragraph one says;

Spectrum Development Solutions, is a real estate advisory, development management, and owner’s representation firm. Our focus is on urban, mixed-use, transit oriented and environmentally sustainable development that enhances the community fabric. We currently manage $450M of mixed-use, urban and student housing development in the Puget Sound Area.

Also found on the Secretary of State business listings is a company called, Ferris Advisors, LLC, an organization that is affiliated with St. Andrews Evangelical Lutheran Church with President Carolynn Ferris. St. Andrews provides funding for Congregations for the Homeless (CFH) whose President is Carolynn Ferris. Chair Carolynn Ferris is also Board President of Imagine House.

All these connections that the Ferris' have with the community, Planning Commission and men's homeless shelter should cause pause for thought.

Is this really who we want on Bellevue's Planning Commission? And if the Planning Commission Board members are appointed to their positions with Councilmembers votes, this also presents a continuing conflict of interest.

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