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Socializing grace - a path forward

Relationship building for a greater tomorrow

Why I Started
this blog.

I'm a Human Resources Professional.  I also have experience working in social services as a mental health clinician, family therapist and chemical dependency counselor.  I taught human services courses for a University.  

With a background in human resources, and social services, I felt I wanted to write my thoughts and recommendations to help solve the social problems of chemical dependency, homelessness and mental illness.

Our country has gone in the wrong direction with housing first policies, and there's not enough voices out there talking about a need for longer, intensive drug treatment.  

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My Story
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I've been exposed to many things; a great house, pets, family and friends who I love, some who have serious life's issues.  My life has turned many corners both sudden and planned.  Going through school brought me much satisfaction where dreams materialized about what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I became an independent journalist, an internet radio show host, a public access TV producer, a news writer intern, a business owner, and a Professional in Mental Health. I taught at a University, worked on a crisis line, and built a reputation of being a trustworthy friend and I keep those relationships today.  Being on my neighborhood board, my need to speak out about the growing homelessness in my community seemed to be a current place to bring my background.  A blog helps to express my thoughts about homelessness.

Thoughts about homelessness

I will write on this topic over time.  I believe that many chronically homeless people have many overlapping issues, that with help and support, they could move forward in their lives.

I also believe that the quality of services out there do not meet the needs of most of these people.  From experience I have experienced inadequate counseling for both drug treatment and serious mental illness with untrained professionals who have no idea about what would really help their clients.  They do not pay attention to their clients well enough, and often don't belong in the field.  It leaves clients in untenable treatment programs, and living in housing where drugs are still used, and people are not mentally stable.  How can they recover?

I have more concerns about the fields encompassing chronic homelessness where money is spent from leaders who have no experience serving clients who are left homeless and have an array of issues they need assistance with.

Thoughts about homelessness

Relaxation as therapy



Public Comment

Hello Mayor, Deputy Mayor and council members, my name is Suzanne LeBoeuf. I live in Wilburton. I have worked as a Mental Health Clinician, University Instructor teaching human services courses, and a chemical dependency counselor. My comments are about homelessness and drug addiction.


Deep breathing

Deep breathing is therapeutic for the mind and body.  I know I've been helped by guided relaxation and breath techniques.

One of the things I notice most is being able to fall asleep from a relaxed state.  I wake up feeling like my sleep has been deeper.  I feel more rested in the morning.


Visiting downtown park

I love the Bellevue Downtown Park.  If you've been there you know that you can walk around a beautiful lake with ducks swimming about.  People enjoy jogging around the lake, walking their dogs, or having a picnic sitting on the lawn.  Dog training classes are often conducted there.  There's quite a nice feeling of a peaceful community at the park.

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